2010年度纪念币(一) Boy Scouts of America Centennial Dollar 美国男童子军一百周年纪念一美元硬币 The Boy Scouts of America is the largest youth organization in the United States. Its three programs combined (cub scouting, boy scouting, and venturing) serve 2.8 million young members. 美国男童子军是美国最大的青少年组织。它由幼童子军、少年童子军、青年三个部分组成,拥有280万年青成员。 Many people have been Scouts over the years. In fact, more than 111 million people have taken part in Boy Scout programs since the group was founded in 1910. 许多年以来,有很多人都加入过童子军。事实上,自1910年男童子军成立以来,已有超过1.11亿人参加该组织。 February 8, 2010 marks the organization's 100th anniversary. The Treasury can issue silver dollars to commemorate this centennial because of the Boy Scouts of America Centennial Commemorative Coin Act, passed in 2008. Part of the price of the coin will be used to help expand scouting programs in places that are hard to serve. 2010年2月8日是该组织成立一百周年的日子。根据2008年通过的《美国男童子军成立一百周年纪念币法案》,财政部发行一枚1美元银币来庆祝这个一百周年纪念活动。销售所得的部分,将用来帮助扩大童子军计划的活动场所。 The Boy Scouts' oath and law are based on values that help members make good choices as long as they live. Scouts and their leaders pledge to live up to this oath: "On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight." According to the Scout Law, a Scout is "Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent." 童子军的誓言是基于童子军的章程,它帮助每位童子军成员,在他们的一生中,作出正确的选择。童子军和他们的领导人承诺,不辜负这个誓言:“我以我的名誉发誓,为了上帝和我的祖国,我将尽我的所能,履行我的所责,遵守童子军的章程;在任何时候都帮助别人;保持自己强健的身体、精神饱满和品行端正。”根据童子军章程,每位童子军应该是“守信的、忠诚的、乐于助人的、友善的、有礼貌的、善良的、孝顺的、开朗的、节俭的、勇敢的、干净的和虔诚的。” Scouts and their leaders serve their communities every year through volunteer service projects. These projects meet many kinds of needs in areas like food, shelter, education, and environmental 保护. 童子军和他们的领导人,每年为他们服役的所在地的社区提供义务服务项目。这些项目会适应各个领域的需求,例如食物、救助场所、教育和环境保护等。 The Boy Scouts of America's 100th anniversary celebration will help members, leaders, and alumni to get ready for the organization's next century of service. 美国男童子军成立100周年庆典活动,将有助于它的成员、领导者以及它的原成员,为该组织的下一个世纪的服务做好准备。 On the front of the coin, a cub scout, boy scout, and female venturer salute. The dates 1910 and 2010 mark the anniversary. The words "Continuing the Journey" are part of the celebration's theme. 硬币的正面显示:一名幼童子军、一名男童子军和一名女童子军行礼致敬,题写着男童子军成长的历程“1910-2010”;刻着“继续我们的旅程”,这是男童子军一百周年庆典主题的一部分。 On the back, the Boy Scouts of America's emblem is front and center. The motto "Be Prepared" appears near the rim, along with the name "Boy Scouts of America" and standard 题字. 硬币背面的正中心是美国男童子军的军徽,在它的上面题写着“美国男童子军”,在它的左边缘刻有美国男童子军的座右铭“准备好了”。