then when you log
wow power leveling back into WoW as the Alt, take the stuff to the Auction House. You should keep your Alt character someplace
wow gold near the Auction house, preferably at the Inn so you can get the benefit of 4x rest XP. Having
wow power leveling an Alt will free up your main character to spend more time farming or working on quests which means that you'll
wow gold level up faster and finally hit the levels where you can really earn much more gold. Sell on the
world of warcraft gold Weekends To take best advantage of pricing differentials in the Auction House, it is best to sell stuff
aoc power leveling on the weekends and do any buying on the weekdays. So if you get some great drops, don't necessarily
aion power leveling be in a rush to log into your Alt and send him or her trundling off to the Auction
aion kina House. Sure, mail whatever you find to the Alt, but leave the selling until Saturday