Z-far:你的中文補習老師放假莫???[此帖子已被 大眼妹 在 2007-9-2 1:30:04 编辑过]
BigPaul: You have to step-up here. Every time I wrote something, beautiful ladies, like 大眼妹, ask, what did Z-far say? What is he bad-mouthing this time? Then she embelishes and echos with emotions like ... You get me point, uhhhh???
How about calling 大眼妹 often, convey the corrections on my clumsy Chinese translations. This is sufficient reason to call her, each and everytime...金色田野, I need all the translation help I can get. So, please don't hesitate to step in, and give 大眼妹 a call to help as well...
[此帖子已被 z-far 在 2007-9-2 8:55:33 编辑过]