林书豪,加油! 今天,10月29日星期天,在纽约华体会俱乐部CASCSA Sports Club(FDR中学体育馆一楼)5798 19Ave Brooklyn NY的体育馆内,华体会体育俱乐部篮球青少年举行慰问和支持著名球员林书豪的活动。林书豪在本月的一次赛事中不幸受了伤,球迷们大家的心情非常难过,希望能够给林书豪送上一声问候与祝福!早日伤愈恢复健康! 慰问信
纽约华体会CASCSA与NBA Brooklyn Nets 篮网队是伙伴合作关系,也因为林书豪您的缘故,我们纽约华体会与篮网队也举办了两次大型的 “Aim High With Jeremy Lin- 林书豪互动分享会“ 和 “Brooklyn Nets-CASCSA's Night 篮网队与华体会之夜-支持林书豪”的活动,林书豪您是我们华人青少年的模范,您的分享给大家带来了很多鼓励和帮助。
今次您的受伤,相信大家的心情也一样难过,希望能够给林书豪您送上一声问候和祝福。在这段艰难的时刻, 纽约华体会CASCSA 继续热情地支持你。我们想提醒你, 您仍然对社会有很大的影响, 您仍然是这些孩子们的榜样和骄傲。不论从球技, 人品, 还是态度, 都是无可挑剔的完美。这不公平, 这真的不公平! 所谓的天道酬勤, 你那么努力, 老天就该给你机会, 让你真正打出属于自己的篮球。但事已至此, 我们只能祈祷你尽快好起来, 我们永远在你背后支持你! 加油! 林书豪!
纽约华体会CASCSA 董事会:
陈健聪 罗少领 赵立衍𗗠
陈毅文 张娉娉 李旭辉
陈伦育 廖志坚 Consolation Letter for Jeremy Lin. Hi Jeremy, We’re very sorry to hear about your injury. We want to thank you for supporting our organization over the past two years and partnering with us on two successful events. Our first ever event at FDR High School on November 6th, 2016, “Aim High with Jeremy Lin”, was an incredible turnout all because of the big influence you have on the Chinese Community. All of the community and their kids packed themselves into the gym to see you and hear about your life. These children really do look up to you! Our second event, we went to support your game against the Atlanta Hawks at Barclays Center on April 2nd, 2017. It was a successful event with your team beating the Hawks 91-82 following the private post game event. The attendees were all very happy to have the opportunity to sit and watch you give a 5 Q&A. we want to talk to you. NO, you are NOT done! CASCSA continues to warmly support you during this difficult time. We want to remind you that you still have a great influence on the community and you are still a role model to these kids. We pray for speedy recovery so that you can get back to the game! GET WELL SOON Jeremy Lin! Pray for Jeremy Lin, God bless all of you. Sincerely, CASCSA, Chinese American Sports and Community Service Association [ 此帖被陆龄侯在2017-10-30 10:42重新编辑 ]