原文由 雨露 发表:
Oscar: 你曾经在 Caltech 读书? 能从相片中就猜到 Beckmen Laboratories 的大楼, 证明你对 Caltech 很熟悉. 我女儿今年六月在 Caltech 毕业, 现在就读 UC Irvine 化学系研究生, 希望能常在 75ONE 围村见到你.
[此帖子已被 雨露 在 2005-12-9 1:05:32 编辑过]
Congratulations! Your daughter must be an exceptionally gifted student.
I am a Caltech graduate too. I studied engineering there in the mid 1980’s.
Thank you for posting the additional pictures. Looking at the pictures of the beautiful Caltech campus brings back a lot of fond memories.
[此帖子已被 oscar 在 2005-12-9 13:09:12 编辑过]