今日开始,你可以在网上 用银行卡和信用卡捐款。Now, you can go to our campaign website to donate, ATM and credit card. https://www.ellenleezhouformayor2018.com/ Look for the Donate button. We need 500 people @ $100.00 (one hundred) each, $100 minimum to $500 maximum total of $50,000.00 五万元。If we can come up with t
his by March 1st, 2018, the City of San Francisco will match our our team $100,000.00(十万元)for campaign use. We all volunteers to run and support this campaign for our community. But, we need money to place media ads to launch the message out to the public. Donors must be USA citizens or Green card holders and residents of SF and within USA, anywhere within the USA. 我们需要五百个人,若果每个人都能最少捐一百至五百美元,等于最少有五万参选经费。在三月一号之前若完成此创举,三藩市政府会䃼助双培,即十万元。全部经费用于支付社区广告,参选开支用途。我们的助选团队全部是义务发动。捐款人一定是美国公民和有合法身份移民。任何在美国境内洲或是巿都可以捐献。就是人在海外,但支票上是美国地址和合法居民身份就可以。坐言起行的建議,心动不如行动,多谢!一定是个人支票,不接受公司支票。不受现金money order支票。 写给:Ellen Lee Zhou for Mayor 2018 寄地址: Ellen Lee Zhou 2600 San Bruno Ave. San Francisco, CA 94134 ( 寄支票时,请顺便写下你电话,工作公司名称和你职位,参选要求严格,若资料不齐,政府未收献金融,请原谅)三藩市政冶捐款人指南 https://www.ellenleezhouformayor2018.com/ Look for the Donate button. We need 500 people @ $100.00 (one hundred) each, $100 minimum to $500 maximum total of $50,000.00 五万元。If we can come up with this by March 1st, 2018, the City of San Francisco will match our our team $100,000.00(十万元)for campaign use. We all volunteers to run and support this campaign for our community. But, we need money to place media ads to launch the message out to the public. Donors must be USA citizens or Green card holders and residents of SF and within USA, anywhere within the USA. 我们需要五百个人,若果每个人都能最少捐一百至五百美元,等于最少有五万参选经费。在三月一号之前若完成此创举,三藩市政府会䃼助双培,即十万元。全部经费用于支付社区广告,参选开支用途。我们的助选团队全部是义务发动。捐款人一定是美国公民和有合法身份移民。任何在美国境内洲或是巿都可以捐献。就是人在海外,但支票上是美国地址和合法居民身份就可以。坐言起行的建議,心动不如行动,多谢!一定是个人支票,不接受公司支票。不受现金money order支票。 写给:Ellen Lee Zhou for Mayor 2018 寄地址: Ellen Lee Zhou 2600 San Bruno Ave. San Francisco, CA 94134 ( 寄支票时,请顺便写下你电话,工作公司名称和你职位,参选要求严格,若资料不齐,政府未收献金融,请原谅)三藩市政冶捐款人指南 https://sfethics.org/compliance/campaigns/contributors/san-francisco-ethics-co\mmission-contributor-guide/(有钱出钱,有力出力,大量需要义工去贴街招)