A Dog That Kissed Me
Hanxin (1968-) tr. Fan Jinghua
It scampered up, breaths audible,
Paws on my shoulder, licking me
Over and over,
Soft, warm, and a little sour.
So conscientious! Without fences or thorns,
The road in the body was broad and bright,
Free to come and free to go.
This was much more gratifying
Than love with a man
"Kiss" in the title indicates that the speaker is comparing the dogwith men, and therefore the acts of the dog shall be understood alongwith the comparison. The first stanza is very detailed, going slowly,just as the phrase "over and over" tries to represent. The firststanza, then, is a long and patient foreplay. However, a sense ofproportion underlies beauty, and in this poem the foreplay appears tobe a little too long and it expects a heightened climax. But, this poemis essentially anticlimactic, for it is not about the heightenedsensation of love but about the subsiding "comfort" (one of the literalmeanings of 舒服 in the last line).
"Conscientious" may not be asatisfying translation, as the original phrase 认真 has multiple meansfrom dutiful, dedication and diligent to earnest and taking to heart.The contrast is that the dog is a better partner than a man, at least.The reason is implied in the following phrases of "no fences, nothorns," and the consequence (?) is the broad and bright road in thebody, without any 束restraint. The 束 here is also very slippery, and theetymological meaning evokes the image of (binding into) a bundle, butit may mean 拘束trammel, 管束control, 约束bond and commitment.
As thepoem does not use punctuations at the end of lines, and the three linesin the second stanza do not necessarily read the way I have explicated.An *****native translation may be:
It is so conscientious, no fences, no thorns
The road in the body broad and bright
No restraint for coming and going
The climax appears to be when men are brought into the play, but it isthe absence of men that the comparison is made. The comparison betweena man (or men) and a dog needs further explication. In Chinese, it isthe most derogatory insult to compare a man to a beast (more derogatorythan calling a policeman a pig in English). Therefore, the animalpleasure of sex is never a morally justifiable enjoyment. The phrase 舒服(comfortable) implies that the pleasure comes not from the fulfillinggratification of orgasm but from a kind of infiltrating interfusionwhich may be better understood in terms of subsiding phase.
However, if the pursuit of orgasm is not self-justified, myinterpretation can only be taken as a metaphor. That is, this poem isnot a metaphor about sexual relation between men and women in asociety, but should be interpreted literally. We may simple say thatthis is a poem about the appreciation of the love from a pet. It isabout the relation between human beings and the animals, and the petsmay provide more ready “comfort” than human beings do.
这首诗的翻译难度不仅仅来自于语法层面,还来自于语义层面。认真,在汉语中不仅仅是conscientious用心,而且可能是dutiful尽心、dedicated专心、diligent细心、用功、勤勉、earnest心诚、take toheart当真,等。而同样,下面的那个来去无束的“束”字,词源意义具有很强的意象性,指(捆成)一束,但是此刻它可以是拘束、管束、约束等词组的意思。
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