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fw: 來自美國調查..."拥护$75,000.00的年薪"人 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2010-09-08

人們說金錢買不來幸福。 除,根據一項新的研究從普林斯頓大學伍德羅威爾遜學院,這樣的那樣 - 年薪高達約 7.5萬美元左右。 較低的一個人的年收入低於該基準,不快樂,他或她的感受。 但無論有多少人超過 7.5萬美元製作,他們沒有報告任何更大程度的幸福。

前雇主急於舉行-或提高-每個人的薪水75,000元,這項研究指出,其實有兩種類型的幸福。 有你的多變,一天到一天的心情:不管你是藍色或感覺壓力或情緒的聲音。 此外,還有更深的滿意你覺得你的生活的方式去-那種事托尼羅賓斯 試圖教你 雖然有一個神奇的收入高於75,000元的截止似乎沒有產生影響對前者(情緒福祉),它肯定能夠改善人們的羅賓斯般生活滿意度。 換句話說,讓更多的人75000美元以上,他們越覺得自己的生活總體上做到了。 不過,這並不會讓他們更加愉快的上午。

這項研究由經濟學家安格斯德亞和心理學家丹尼爾卡尼曼,誰贏得了諾貝爾經濟學獎,分析了45萬美國人的反應調查由蓋洛普和Healthways將在2008年和2009年。 與會者詢問他們如何感受到前一天他們是否生活在他們最好的生活。 他們還詢問他們的收入。

作者發現,大多數美國人- 85% -不管他們的年收入,每一天感到高興。 幾乎40%的受訪者還報告感到壓力(這不是相互排斥的幸福)和24%的人感覺悲傷。 大多數人也滿意自己的方式去生活。 (見時間的特殊問題,對科學的幸福。)

那麼,究竟是75,000元開始發揮作用? 研究人員發現,低收入沒有造成悲傷本身,而是更多地讓人們感到下跌的問題,他們已經有了。 研究發現,例如,離婚的人當中,約 51%誰作出少於 1,000元報導感到悲傷或強調的前一天,而只有24%的人收入超過 3,000元的月報告類似的感受。 人與人之間的哮喘,41%的低收入者的報告感到不滿,而約 22%的富裕組。 有錢顯然顧及的緩解了困難。

在75 000美元,這種效果就會消失。 人誰掙那麼多甚至更多,生活環境和個人氣質也更動搖了他們的心比金錢輕。 該研究並沒有說明為什麼是75 000美元的基準,但“它似乎給我的似是而非的數字,讓人們在會認為錢不是問題,”說德亞。 在這個水平上,人們可能有足夠的現金消耗做的事情,使他們感覺很好,喜歡與朋友外出。 (聯邦貧困線的家庭4,順便說一句,是二二○五○美元。)

但在更大鑑於他們的生活,人們的評價是更加依賴於他們的收入。 他們越了,他們越覺得自己的生活都進行得很順利。 該調查要求受訪者把自己對生活的滿意度階梯,第一梯級含義他們的生活並不順利,第十屆響的意義是一樣好,因為它可以。 他們的收入越高,越高的梯級人民的選擇。 “重要的是,同樣的比例增加收入具有同樣的效果評價每一個人,不論富國還是窮國,儘管美元的絕對數額有所不同,”作者寫道。 因此,每上升10%,每年的收入人家滿意了相同數額的階梯,無論他們是做$ 25,000或100,000元。 “高收入,不給你們帶來幸福,但他們帶給你的生活你覺得比較好,”結束的作者。 可能是時間的奧普拉給這些傢伙自己的節目? (評論關於這個故事。)

過去研究的錢和幸福還發現,它不是絕對的財富的聯繫與幸福,但相對財富或地位-這是 多少錢,你必須比你的鄰居

這也不奇怪,那麼,當相同的調查是在完成不同的國家,美國人出來為一個位的混合很多:他們是幸福的第五條款,在第33和第10條款的微笑在以下方面的享受。 同時,他們是最大的煩惱的人第89,第69次和第五次最可悲的人強調指出,151國研究。 即便如此,也許是因為該國的總體財富,他們的前10 citizenries where人們感到他們的生活過得很好,擊敗了由such作為永恆的樂觀者的加拿大人,新西蘭人和斯堪的納維亞人。

權。 現在,普林斯頓大學的研究人員解開生命之謎,也許有人可以在麻省理工學院研究的最佳數額的金錢要求購買我們的愛。

[此帖子已被 focus 在 2010-9-8 7:26:30 编辑过]


只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2010-09-08

FW: 資料來自時代雜志(Time Magazine)

<div><div style="border: medium none ; overflow: hidden; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: transparent; text-align: left; text-decoration: none;">

Peoplesay money doesn't buy happiness. Except, according to a new study fromPrinceton University's Woodrow Wilson School, it sort of does — up toabout $75,000 a year. The lower a person's annual income falls belowthat benchmark, the unhappier he or she feels. But no matter how muchmore than $75,000 people make, they don't report any greater degree ofhappiness.

Before employers rush to hold — or raise — everyone's salary to$75,000, the study points out that there are actually two types ofhappiness. There's your changeable, day-to-day mood: whether you'restressed or blue or feeling emotionally sound. Then there's the deepersatisfaction you feel about the way your life is going — the kind ofthing Tony Robbins tries to teach you.While having an income above the magic $75,000 cutoff doesn't seem tohave an impact on the former (emotional well-being), it definitelyimproves people's Robbins-like life satisfaction. In other words, themore people make above $75,000, the more they feel their life isworking out on the whole. But it doesn't make them any more jovial inthe mornings.

The study, by economist Angus Deaton and psychologist DanielKahneman, who has won a Nobel Prize for Economics, analyzed theresponses of 450,000 Americans polled by Gallup and Healthways in 2008and 2009. Participants were asked how they had felt the previous dayand whether they were living the best possible life for them. They werealso asked about their income.

The authors found that most Americans — 85% — regardless of theirannual income, felt happy each day. Almost 40% of respondents alsoreported feeling stressed (which is not mutually exclusive withhappiness) and 24% had feelings of sadness. Most people were alsosatisfied with the way their life was going. (See TIME's special issue on the science of happiness.)

So, where does the $75,000 come into play? Researchers found thatlower income did not cause sadness itself but made people feel moreground down by the problems they already had. The study found, forexample, that among divorced people, about 51% who made less than$1,000 a month reported feeling sad or stressed the previous day, whileonly 24% of those earning more than $3,000 a month reported similarfeelings. Among people with asthma, 41% of low earners reported feelingunhappy, compared with about 22% of the wealthier group. Having moneyclearly takes the sting out of adversities.

At $75,000, that effect disappears. For people who earn that much ormore, individual temperament and life circumstances have much more swayover their lightness of heart than money. The study doesn't say why$75,000 is the benchmark, but "it does seem to me a plausible number atwhich people would think money is not an issue," says Deaton. At thatlevel, people probably have enough expendable cash to do things thatmake them feel good, like going out with friends. (The federal povertylevel for a family of four, by the way, is $22,050.)

But in the bigger view of their lives, people's evaluations weremuch more tied to their income. The more they made, the more they felttheir life was going well. The survey asked respondents to placethemselves on a life-satisfaction ladder, with the first rung meaningtheir lives were not going well and the 10th rung meaning it was asgood as it could be. The higher their income, the higher the rungpeople chose. "Importantly, the same percentage increase in income hasthe same effect on evaluation for everyone, rich or poor alike, eventhough the absolute dollar amounts differ," the authors write. So every10% rise in annual income moves people up the satisfaction ladder thesame amount, whether they're making $25,000 or $100,000. "High incomesdon't bring you happiness, but they do bring you a life you think isbetter," conclude the authors. Might it be time for Oprah to give theseguys their own show? (Comment on this story.)

Past research on money and happiness has also found that it's notabsolute wealth that's linked with happiness, but relative wealth orstatus — that is, how much more money you have than your neighbors.

It's no surprise, then, that when the same polls are done indifferent countries, Americans come out as a bit of a mixed lot:they're fifth in terms of happiness, 33rd in terms of smiling and 10thin terms of enjoyment. At the same time, they're the 89th biggestworriers, the 69th saddest and fifth most stressed people out of the151 nations studied. Even so, perhaps because of the country's generalwealth, they are in the top 10 citizenries where people feel theirlives are going well, beaten out by such eternal optimists as theCanadians, New Zealanders and Scandinavians.

Right. Now that Princeton researchers have untangled that lifemystery, maybe someone at MIT can look into the optimal amount of moneyrequired to buy us love.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,2016291,00.html#ixzz0ytCksNX5

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2010-09-08


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