2016年纪念币 2016 Commemorative Coins Commemorative Coin Program Honors a Unique American Voice 优异的纪念币计划是一个独特的美国声音 Samuel Langhorne Clemens–better known as Mark Twain–was born in Florida, Mo., on Nov. 30, 1835, and raised in Hannibal, a port city near the Mississippi River that would later become the setting for many of his beloved writings. 塞缪尔·兰霍恩·克莱门斯,有着一个更广为人们所熟知的名字——马克·吐温。马克·吐温于1835年11月30日出生在密苏里州的佛罗里达,生长在密西西比河附近的汉尼拔港口城市,而这里将成为他许多心爱作品的背景。 Clemens held several jobs, including printer’s apprentice, riverboat pilot and miner, before finding success as a writer and journalist. It was during a stint at a Nevada newspaper that he began writing under his celebrated pseudonym. Soon thereafter, he experienced his first taste of success when his short story “Jim (微笑) and His Jumping Frog” was published in newspapers nationwide. 克莱门斯干过多项工作,在他成为一名成功的作家和记者之前,曾当过印刷厂学徒、内河领航员和矿工。在内华达从事新闻写作过程中,他创建了他著名的笔名。不久后,他的短篇小说《吉姆的微笑和他的跳蛙》发表在全国性的报纸上,他第一次体验了成功的滋味。 Few authors have influenced American culture like Mark Twain. He is remembered today for addressing the complex social issues facing America at the turn of the century, including the legacy of the Civil War, race (关系) and the economic inequalities of the “Gilded Age.” 很少有作家像马克·吐温那样影响了美国的文化。因为他点出了当今美国在世纪之交所面临的、要解决的社会复杂问题,包括内战遗留问题、种族关系和经济不平等的“镀金时代”,因此他被美国人民所牢记。 Twain remains one of the best-known Americans in the world, with more than 6,500 (版本) of his books translated into 75 languages. His literary and educational legacy remains strong even today. Nearly every book he wrote is still in print, including “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”–both of which have never gone out of print since they were first published more than a century ago. 吐温仍然是世界上最著名的美国人之一,他的书被翻译成75种语言,超过6,500个版本。即便在今天他的文学和教育主张依然具有极高的传承意义。几乎他写的每一部书还在印刷,而如《汤姆·索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》,这两本书从一个世纪以前首次出版以来,就从末绝版。 The Legislation立法Public Law 112-201, enacted on Dec. 4, 2012, authorizes the United States Mint to strike and issue 100,000 $5 gold coins and 350,000 $1 silver coins to commemorate Mark Twain’s life and legacy. Prices for the coins include surcharges of $35 for each gold coin and $10 for each silver coin, which are authorized to be distributed as follows: 2012年12月4日通过的公共法律第112-201条,授权美国铸币局铸造和发行100,000枚五美元金币和350,000枚一美元银币来纪念马克·吐温的生平和精神财富。硬币的价格包含附加值,每枚金币35美元,每枚银币10美元,授权分配如下: One-quarter to the Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Conn., to support the continued restoration of the Mark Twain house and grounds and ensure continuing growth and innovation in museum programming to research, promote and educate the public on the legacy of Mark Twain 销售收入的四分之一,拨给康涅狄格州哈特福德博物馆和马克·吐温故居。用于支持马克·吐温故居及庭院的持续修复,支持博物馆发展和利用对马克·吐温精神遗产的研究,提升对公众教育的项目。 One-quarter to the University of California, Berkeley, for the benefit of the Mark Twain Project at the Bancroft Library to support programs to study and promote the legacy of Mark Twain 销售收入的四分之一,拨给加州大学伯克利分校的班克罗夫特图书馆的《马克·吐温项目》,支持和推动对马克·吐温的遗产研究。 One-quarter to Elmira College in New York for research and education purposes 销售收入的四分之一,拨给纽约州埃尔迈拉大学用作研究和教育用途。 One-quarter to the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum in Hannibal, Mo., to preserve historical sites related to Mark Twain and help support programs to study and promote his legacy. 销售收入的四分之一,拨给密苏里州汉尼拔博物馆和马克·吐温少年时代的故居,保护与马克·吐温有关的历史遗迹,支持和促进对他遗产项目的研究。 The Designs 设计 Each coin has distinctive obverse and reverse designs that are emblematic of the life and legacy of the author. The gold obverse design features a portrait of Mark Twain with the (题刻) “LIBERTY,” “2016” and “IN GOD WE TRUST.” 每枚硬币的正面和背面都有一个与众不同的设计,象征着作家的生平和遗产。金币正面设计的特点是一个马克·吐温的肖像,并题刻“自由”、“2016”和“我们信奉上帝”。
The silver obverse design features a portrait of Mark Twain (烟雾) a pipe with the (烟) forming a silhouette of Huck Finn and Jim on a raft in the background. The (题刻) are “LIBERTY,” “IN GOD WE TRUST” and “2016.” 银币正面设计特点:是一个手拿烟斗正在吸烟的马克·吐温肖像,与在烟雾衬托的一个哈克·费恩和吉姆在一条筏上的剪影的背景。题刻着“自由”、“我们信奉上帝”和“2016”。 The gold reverse design depicts a view of a steamboat with the paddlewheel visible. (题刻) are “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” “$5” and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.” 金币背面的设计描述了一艘正在航行的轮船与一个推进轮船航行的推进器。题刻着“美利坚合众国”、“五美元”和“合众为一”。 The silver reverse design features an assortment of characters leaping to life from Mark Twain's works: The knight and horse from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, the frog from The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Jim and Huck from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (题刻) are “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” “$1” and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.” 银币背面的设计特点:是从马克·吐温一生的作品中,跳出的各式各样人物,如从《康州美国佬大闹亚瑟王朝》中跳出的骑士和马,从《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》中跳出的青蛙,以及《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的哈克和吉姆。题刻着“美利坚合众国”、“一美元”和“合众为一”。 The Designers设计师 Gold Coin Obverse金币正面Designer: Benjamin Sowards设计师:本杰明·索瓦兹Sculptor: Don Everhart雕刻家:唐·埃弗哈特 Gold Coin Reverse金币背面Designer: Ronald D. Sanders设计师:罗纳德·d·桑德斯Sculptor: Joseph Menna雕刻家:约瑟夫·门纳 Silver Coin Obverse银币正面Designer: Chris Costello设计师:克里斯·科斯特洛Sculptor: Michael Gaudioso雕刻家:迈克尔·高蒂索 Silver Coin Reverse银币背面Designer: Patricia Lucas-Morris设计师:帕特丽夏·卢卡斯莫里斯 Sculptor: Renata Gordon雕刻家:雷娜塔·戈登 Minting Facility铸币厂Gold Coin: West Point金币:西点军校铸币厂Silver Coin: Philadelphia银币:费城铸币厂 Commemorative Coin Program Celebrates National Park Service Centennial 《纪念币计划》庆祝国家公园管理局成立100周年纪念 The National Park Service (NPS) has had stewardship of America's national parks since 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson signed legislation creating the agency. It oversees approximately 400 sites covering some 84 million acres in the United States and its territories. In addition to national parks, the NPS system includes monuments, battlefields, military parks, historical parks, historic sites, lakeshores, seashores, recreation areas, scenic rivers and trails, as well as the White House. More than 20,000 NPS employees care for these sites with help from dedicated volunteers and park partners. 国家公园管理局(简称NPS),自伍德罗·威尔逊总统签署法案建立国家公园管理局,从1916年起就已经管理美国的国家公园。它监管着美国领土内的400个地点约8,400万英亩土地。除国家公园以外,NPS系统还包括纪念碑、战场、军事公园、历史公园、历史遗址、湖滨、海滨、休闲区、风景河流和山径,以及白宫。有超过20,000名NPS的员工与其他乐于奉献的志愿者和公园的合作伙伴,共同管理与维护着这些公园和遗址。 The Legislation立法 The 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service Act (Public Law 113-291) was signed into law on December 19, 2014, to commemorate the agency's 2016 centennial. Under that law, Congress directed the Mint to strike and issue: 为庆祝国家公园管理局在2016年的建立100周年纪念,于2014年12月19日签署了《国家公园管理局100周年纪念法案(公共法律第113-291条)》。根据该法律,国会指导国家铸币局制造和发行: 100,000 $5 gold coins100,000枚五美元金币500,000 $1 silver coins500,000枚一美元银币750,000 half dollar clad coins750,000枚50美分复合币 Prices for the coins include surcharges of $35 for each gold coin, $10 for each silver coin and $5 for each half dollar clad coin. The law authorizes the surcharges to be paid to the National Park Foundation for projects that help preserve and protect resources under the stewardship of the NPS and promote public enjoyment and appreciation of these resources. 硬币的价格包含附加值,每枚金币35美元,每枚银币10美元,每枚50美分复合币5美元。法律授权把附加值支付给国家公园基金会的项目,帮助NPS管理下的资源的维持和保护,以提升公众享受和欣赏这些资源。 The Designs设计Obverse 正面 The gold obverse design features John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt with Yosemite National Park's Half Dome in the background. (题刻) are "LIBERTY," "2016" and "IN GOD WE TRUST." 金币正面的设计特点是约翰·缪尔和西奥多·罗斯福的头像,以及后半圆作为背景的约塞米蒂国家公园,题刻着“自由”、“2016”和“我们信奉上帝”。 The silver obverse design features Yellowstone National Park's Old Faithful geyser and a bison. (题刻) are "LIBERTY," "NATIONAL PARK SERVICE CENTENNIAL," "IN GOD WE TRUST," “1916” and “2016.” 银币正面的设计特征是黄石国家公园的老忠实泉的喷柱和野牛。题刻着“自由”、“国家公园管理局百年纪念”、“我们信奉上帝”、“1916”和“2016”。 The clad obverse design features a hiker discovering the majesty of the wilderness and a (小) child discovering a frog hiding in ferns, celebrating the diversity and breadth of the NPS. (题刻) are "LIBERTY," "2016," "IN GOD WE TRUST," "1916" and "NATIONAL PARK SERVICE." 复合币正面的设计特征:一名徒步旅行者发现壮丽的旷野和一名小孩发现隐藏在蕨类植物下一只青蛙,以赞美NPS的多样性和广域。题刻着“自由”、“2016”、“我们信奉上帝”、“1916”和“国家公园管理局”。
Reverses 背面 The gold reverse (tails side) design features the National Park Service logo. (题刻) are "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and "$5." 金币正面的设计特征是国家公园管理局的标志,题刻着“美利坚合众国”、“合众为一”和“五美元”。 The silver reverse design depicts a Latina Folklórico dancer and the NPS logo, representing the multi-faceted cultural experience found in America's national parks. (题刻) are "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," "$1" "HERITAGE," "CULTURE" and "PRIDE." 银币背面的设计描画一名拉丁舞者和NPS的标志,表示在美国的国家公园里,可以找到多元文化的体验。题刻着“美利坚合众国”、“合众为一”、“一美元”、“遗产”、“文化”和“自豪”。 The clad reverse features the NPS logo. (题刻) are "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," "HALF DOLLAR," "STEWARDSHIP" and "RECREATION." 复合币背面的设计特征是NPS的标志。题刻着“美利坚合众国”、“合众为一”、“50美分”、“管理”和“休闲”。 The Designers设计师 Gold Coin Obverse金币正面Designer: Don Everhart设计师:唐·埃弗哈特Sculptor: Don Everhart雕刻家:唐·埃弗哈特 Gold Coin Reverse金币背面Designer: Don Everhart设计师:唐·埃弗哈特Sculptor: Don Everhart雕刻家:唐·埃弗哈特 Silver Coin Obverse银币正面Designer: Joseph Menna设计师:约瑟夫·门纳Sculptor: Joseph Menna雕刻家:约瑟夫·门纳 Silver Coin Reverse银币背面Designer: Chris Costello设计师:克里斯·科斯特洛Sculptor: Jim Licaretz雕刻家:吉姆Licaretz Clad Half Dollar Coin Obverse50美分复合币正面Designer: Barbara Fox设计师:芭芭拉·福克斯Sculptor: Michael Gaudioso雕刻家:迈克尔·高蒂索 Clad Half Dollar Coin Reverse50美分复合币背面Designer: Thomas Hipschen设计师:托马斯hipschen Sculptor: Charles L. Vickers雕刻家:查尔斯·L·维克斯