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另一作为 回复 铁燕农场 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2007-01-19

朋友,做了您比 铁燕农场和人做湖在我们的镇里。  简而言之,它是象比较野花,与它的国内养殖,并且您知道哪个我们是最拉长到。 (在我们的类教的其中一首经典中国诗,是热忱的在比较。以这个开头,您可以直接感觉什么的推力这篇杂文是所有关于。 噢,我仍然借用这种诗和微妙的情绪补全秀丽在女孩或夫人看见I,当短准时和词充分地自我表达。)

铁燕农场是一个原始地方。  它有我在中国可以记住的纯净,大海。  鱼在水库有一个透亮身体。  没有营养素在水中。  但是,如果我是鱼,我喜欢居住 铁燕农场水库 比在人做湖和任何其他节奏。  的确,我观察的鱼,将同意我。 们是充分的热心和居住他们的生活在最充分

铁燕农场, 几次,数我们,一直上升到高山峰顶(坐它的腹部的我们的宿舍)  攀登的最后部分是非常陡峭和相当危险的,但看法, oh男孩,是感伤的您会看见整个水库; 它波浪起伏的大海,柔和地清扫由风,用白色盖帽。  在它的银行被围拢,贫瘠黄色土壤。  从距离,银行有轻微地不同的淡黄色颜色口气,提出水库的最大对比,对蓝天上面,与它垂悬的白色云彩。  然后,我们提高了我们的意图进一步入天际; 们在遥远看见了山和小山,森林补丁间距。  我是,因此拿走,我认为那些遥远的小山,并且森林是在我们的类小说描述的地点…  在我们下降了峰顶之前,我们再次注视着我们的宿舍和我们的培养的领域如下; 它是小,无意义和粗心大意的什么发生了那里。  在我们的第一攀登,多数人的我们回到重要中国日历之后。  每次,我们给峰顶带来了我们的诗,每一我们大声读它,然后切细或者烧了,或者正义埋葬他们。  那些诗内容是幻想的构成在我们的女孩,主席毛讽刺嘲笑或者一首经典中国爱国诗的主要个人翻译。  

我在早晨仍然记住了醒了在 铁燕农场 几次。  天气冷的; 它是风刮与几堆跟斗杂草扔。  它在一.的弱点在岩石送了颤抖到我的身体几个场合,以一个深刻的提示,特别是做我们的早晨清洁沿水库的边缘。  然后,当我进一步查找并且采取了深呼吸,大海大身体,周围的小山的严肃秀丽,我画我的力量,并且开始了天。  看后面,这些是片刻似乎摩擦入什么我代表。

在我的当前天生活中, I追求这样经验用另一个方式。  我去野营或步行与朋友和陌生人在遥远,贫瘠和美好的自然区域。  是,我们寻求体验一.的弱点用一个下意识方式。  很多次,我们是从不同的社会地位,不知道我们的远足者,直到旅行。  是,如果任何发生在我们当中的一个,我们大家将来到抢救。  在度过一长的天以后在粗砺的地形或森林,我们是疲乏,但满足。  社区吃饭的客人在阵营,非常总似乎温暖在精神上和可口。  一旦设置太阳,我的身体感受去的轻松自在睡。 但是,我们的阵营火开始。  们日间参观了的讲故事,笑话和回忆怎样美妙地方和饮用那演唱到夜此是我的成人版本 铁燕农场在微妙的方式,愿是您能看怎么它关连互相那里是没有权利对错误,任一个方式

人做湖: 是好。  我在一些看见了相似的makings其他地方。   有,但是相当可替换的好的。

我的朋友: 这篇杂文唯一的采取方式是这,我们需要保重,保护,并且珍惜我们的自然环境。  在我的评断,它是人们能关系的唯一的真正的连接,并且连接用我们,在我们长期是死的之后。

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Another take on 铁燕农场:



Friends, did you ever compare 铁燕农场, and the ffice:smarttags" />laceName w:st="on">man-makelaceName> laceType w:st="on">LakelaceType> in our town.  Simply put, it is like comparing wild flowers, to its domestic breeds, and you know which one we are most drawn to. (One of the classic Chinese poems taught in our class, was dedicated on the comparison. With this opening, you may immediate sense the thrust of what this essay is all about. Oh yet, I still borrow this poetic and subtle sentiments to complement the beauties I seen on the girls/ladies, when short on time and words to fully express myself.)


铁燕农场, is a pristine place.  It has the pure, bluest water that I can remember in China.  Even the small fishes in the reservoir have a translucent body.  There is not much nutrients in the water.  Still, if I am a fish, I prefer to live in 铁燕农场 reservoir than at the laceName w:st="on">Man-MakelaceName> laceType w:st="on">LakelaceType>, and any other paces.  Indeed, the fishes that I observed, would agree with me. They were full of zest, and were living their lives at the fullest…


At 铁燕农场, on several occasions, several of us, climb all the way to the highest mountain peak (our dormitory sat on its belly).  The last part of the climb was very steep, and quite dangerous, but the view, oh boy, is sentimental!  You would see the entire reservoir; its undulating blue water, gently swept by wind, with white caps.  Surrounded on its banks, are barren yellow soils.  From distance, the banks have ever slightly different yellowish color tones, bringing out the utmost contrast of the reservoir, to the blue sky above, with its hanging white cloud.  Then, we raised our views further into the horizon; we saw spans of mountains and hills, patches of forests in the distant.  I was so taken away, I thought those distant hills, and forests were the locations described in our class novels…  Before we descended from the peak, we looked one more time at our dormitory and our cultivated fields below; it was small, insignificant, and careless whatever happened there.  After our first climb, many of us went back on important Chinese calendar days.  Each time, we brought our poems to the peak, each of us read it loud, then shred/burned, or just bury them.  Contents of those poems were mostly composition of the fantasies on our girls, sarcastic ridicule of Chairman Mao, or a personal rendition of a classic Chinese Patriotic poem.  


I still remembered woke up on the morning at 铁燕农场 on several occasions.  It was cold; it was wind-swept with a few tumble weeds tossing around.  It sent shivers to my body on a few occasions, with a deep reminder on one’s vulnerability, especially doing our morning clean-up on the rocks along the edges of the reservoir.  Then, as I look up further and took a deep breath, the big body of blue water, the austere beauty of the surrounding hills, I draw my strength, and began the day.  Looking back, these are the moments seems to rub into what I stand for.


In my present day life, I sought after such experiences in another way.  I go camping/hiking with friends and strangers at remote, barren, and beautiful natural areas.  Yes, we sought to experience one’s vulnerability in a subliminal way.  On many occasions, we are from different walks of lives, not knowing our fellow hikers, until the trip.  Yes, if anything happen to one of us, all of us would come to the rescue.  After spending a long day in the rough terrains/woods, we are tired, but gratified.  The community diner at camp, always seem so much more warm in spirits, and delicious.  Once the sun is set, my body feel at ease to go to sleep. Still, our camp fire is just started.  The story telling, the jokes, and the reminiscence of how wonderful the places that we have visited during the day, and the drinking that serenades in to the night…This is my adult version of 铁燕农场.  In subtle ways, may be you can see how it relates to each other… there is no right vs wrong, either way…


laceName w:st="on">Men-makelaceName> laceType w:st="on">LakelaceType>: Yes it is nice.  I have seen similar makings in quite a few other places.   It is nice to have, but is quite replaceable.



My friends: The only take-way of this essay is this, we need to take care, protect, and treasure our natural environments.  In my judgment, it is the only real connection that people can relate, and connect with us, after we are long dead.

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2007-01-19

John: Good Job ! My friend. thank you so much.

I have learned a lot from your article.


只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2007-01-20

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2007-04-21
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