a- 阿拉伯人 a-la-bo/ren/ Arab;Arabian. 1
ai- 挨家挨户 ai-jia-ai-hu` house by house 2
ai- 哀兵必胜 ai-bing-bi`sheng` an army being bullied is bound 3
ai- 哀兵必胜~ ai-bing-bi`sheng` to win 4
ai- 寒鸦哀鸣 han/ya-ai-ming/ lament as plaintively as a 5
ai- 寒鸦哀鸣~ han/ya-ai-ming/ jackdaw;lamentation of a 6
ai- 寒鸦哀鸣~ han/ya-ai-ming/ dying crow 7
ai- 黄埃蔽天 huang/ai-bi`tian- The sky was obliterated by 8
ai- 黄埃蔽天~ huang/ai-bi`tian- a dust storm. 9
ai- 挨门挨户 ai-men/ai-hu` go from house to house (or door 10
ai- 挨门挨户~ ai-men/ai-hu` to door) 11
ai- 唉声叹气 ai-sheng-tan`qi` have deep sighs;sigh in despair 12
ai- 唉声叹气~ ai-sheng-tan`qi` moan and groan 13
ai/ 捱打受怕 ai/da>shou`ma` get both a scolding and beating 14
ai/ 捱饿受冻 ai/e`shou`dong` be hungry and cold 15
ai/ 白雪皑皑 bai/xue>ai/ai/ vast expanse of white snow 16
ai> 蔼然可亲 ai>ran/ke>qin- amiable and endearing 17
ai> 又矮又小 you` ai>you`xiao> short and s-mall 18
ai` 碍手碍脚 ai`shou>ai`jiao> be in the way 19
ai` 碍于情面 ai`yu/qing/mian` for fear of hurting sb.'s 20
ai` 碍于情面~ ai`yu/qing/mian` feelings 21
ai` 有碍观瞻 you>ai`guan-zhan- eyesore;be unpleasant to 22
ai` 有碍观瞻~ you>ai`guan-zhan- the eye 23
ai` 爱不释手 ai`bu`shi`shou> be so fond of sth. as not 24
ai` 爱不释手~ ai`bu`shi`shou> to let go of it 25
ai` 爱理不理 ai`li>bu`li> look cold and indifferent;be 26
ai` 爱理不理~ ai`li>bu`li> stabdoffish 27
ai` 爱莫能助 ai`mo`neng/zhu` be willing to help but unable 28
ai` 爱莫能助~ ai`mo`neng/zhu` to do so 29
ai` 爱屋及乌 ai`wu-ji/wu- (fig.) Love me,love my dog. 30
ai` 爱憎分明 ai`zeng-fen-ming/ know what to love and what to 31
ai` 爱憎分明~ ai`zeng-fen-ming/ hate;be clear whom to love and 32
ai` 爱憎分明~ ai`zeng-fen-ming/ whom to hate 33
ai` 方兴未艾 fang-xing-wei`ai` be burgeoning;be in the 34
ai` 方兴未艾~ fang-xing-wei`ai` ascendant 35
ai` 态度暧昧 tai`du`ai`mei` take an equivocal attitude; 36
ai` 态度暧昧~ tai`du`ai`mei` be evasive 37
ai` 心胸狭隘 xin-xiong-xia/ai` narrow-minded and short- 38
ai` 心胸狭隘~ xin-xiong-xia/ai` sighted 39
an- 鞍前马后 an`qian/ma>hou` fuss around the master 40
an- 安安静静 an-an-jing`jing` very quiet 41
an- 安邦定国 an-bang-ding`guo/ (of a ruler) bring peace and 42
an- 安邦定国~ an-bang-ding`guo/ stability to the country 43
an- 安步当车 an-bu`dang-che- stroll over instead of riding 44
an- 安步当车~ an-bu`dang-che- a carriage -- walk rather than 45
an- 安步当车~ an-bu`dang-che- ride 46
an- 安度晚年 an-du`wan>nian/ spend one's remaining years 47
an- 安度晚年~ an-du`wan>nian/ in comfort 48
an- 安分守己 an-fen`shou>ji> be content with one's lot and 49
an- 安分守己~ an-fen`shou>ji> act one's part; know one's 50
an- 安分守己~ an-fen`shou>ji> place;abide by the law and 51
an- 安分守己~ an-fen`shou>ji> behave oneself 52
an- 安居乐业 an-ju-le`ye live and work in peace and 53
an- 安居乐业~ an-ju-le`ye` contentment 54
an- 安然无恙 an-ran/wu/yang` safe and sound;escape unscathed 55
an- 安如泰山 an-ru/tai`shan- as solid as Mount Tai;as firm 56
an- 安如泰山~ an-ru/tai`shan- as a rock 57
an- 平安无事 ping/an-wu/shi` All is well. 58
an- 谙达世情 an-da/shi`qing/ be worldly-wise 59
an` 桉兵不动 an`bing-bu`dong` take no action 60
an` 按步就班 an`bu`jiu`ban- follow a proper order 61
an` 暗无天日 an`wu/tian-ri` complete darkness 62
an` 大洋彼岸 da`yang/bi>an` other bank of the Pacific 63
an` 大洋彼岸~ da`yang/bi>an` Ocean 64
an` 道貌岸然 dao`mao`an`ran/ be a hypocrite 65
an` 拍案而起 pai-an`er/qi> s-mite the table and jump to 66
an` 拍案而起~ pai-an`er/qi> one's feet 67
an` 有案可查 you>an`ke>cha/ have records to be referred to 68
an` 黯然泪下 an`ran/lei`xia` cry despite oneself 69
an` 黯然神伤 an`ran/shen/shang- appear dejected or depressed 70
an` 黯然无光 an`ran/wu/guang- dark and dim 71
ang/ 昂首阔步 ang/shou`kuo`bu` stride proudly ahead 72
ang/ 斗志昂扬 dou`zhi`ang/yang- with high morale 73
ang` 春意盎然 chun-yi`ang`ran/ Spring is very much in the air. 74
ang` 兴趣盎然 xing`qu`ang`ran/ be full of interest 75
ao- 凹凸不平 ao-tu-bu`ping/ bumpy 76
ao/ 熬一锅汤 ao/yi-guo-tang- prepare a pot of soup 77
ao/ 熬苦日子 ao/ku>ri`zi drag out a miserable 78
ao/ 熬苦日子~ ao/ku>ri`zi existence 79
ao/ 受尽熬煎 shou`jin`ao/jian- have one's fill of suffering 80
ao/ 独占鳌头 du/zhan`ao/tou be the champion 81
ao/ 佶屈聱牙 ji/qu-ao/ya/ See "佶屈聱牙"(676). 82
ao/ 嗷嗷待哺 ao/ao/dai`bu> cry piteously for food 83
ao/ 遨游太空 ao/you/tai`kong- travel through space 84
ao/ 螃蟹的螯 pang/xie`de~ao/ chela;pincers 85
ao` 傲气十足 ao`qi`shi/zu/ be condescendent 86
ao` 傲视一切 ao`shi`yi-qie` regard all with contempt 87
ao` 态度傲慢 tai`du`ao`man` put on airs 88
ao` 居功自傲 ju-gong-zi`ao` be haughty on account of one's 89
ao` 居功自傲~ ju-gong-zi`ao` achievements 90
ao` 奥秒无穷 ao`miao`wu/qiong/ enigmatic 91
ao` 懊悔不已 ao`hui>bu`yi> endless remorse 92
ao` 桀傲不驯 jie/ao`bu`xun` stubborn and intractable 93
[ 此帖被dengjun2在2021-08-06 12:25重新编辑 ]