(为方便大家齐齐玩, 译为中文, BigPaul)
原文由 ra03680 发表于 2007-5-20 11:40:27 :
Ohh... Sarah, Sarah...and Sarah, my frog...(A song by BigPaul...pherhaps...tears roll down my cheeks...).
噢...沙拉,沙拉...沙拉, 我的蛙儿 .... (xxxxxxx.... 泪珠儿正从颊上滚下)
Sarah, please speak up for yourself, seek and define your identity, instead of my/BigPaul's interpretation of you, or by Class78 folks. Sarah has being in this forum for a long time, she is a bull frog (bull Gupb Gai, any way you put it...).
沙拉, 请站出来为自已说话, 找回自己, 不要让BigPaul或78届的人瞎猜你是那一位. 沙拉上本论坛已有段日子, 她是只牛蛙(或牛夹解, 你说了算)
This forum is it. Frog or no-frog isn't the matter. You are your words, not what you eat. (Simply put, how does one know who Sarah is, it has to be from her words, not what she eats. This is true, a thousand years from now, when we are all dead. There is almost a religious connections here, but let's not tangent into it.).
正是本论坛, 是蛙巳否, 根本无关重要. 代表你的乃你所言而非你所食. (简之, 我们怎会知道沙拉是谁, 只能从其口出之言来推断, 而不是口进之食物. 这是事实, 千年以后, 我们都尘土归宗, 这里将会形成有一种象宗教祥的连接, 我们还是不要往这胡扯下去了)
Sarah...oh Sarah... where are you, frog or no-frog. By the way, I edit the posting for the third time, removing your company's name in the original email (this will definitely be the last time, for the sake of the frog story...).
沙拉, 噢沙拉... 你在哪儿,是蛙与否. 对了, 我从原电邮中删除了你的个人资料 (以青蛙故事的名义保证, 下不再犯)
Sarah...one can kneel to the ground and kiss your toe, if you are real, and speak up here. Don't be calsified... BigPaul, his brain cells are galvinized now...
沙拉, 如果你确实存在, 如果你在此发声, 吾等可俯首至地来亲吻你的脚趾 .... 不要石化自已 .... BigPaul, 他的脑细胞正在作热处理以防锈 ....
[此帖子已被 ra03680 在 2007-5-20 12:44:12 编辑过]