其实纽约也有一些值得一逛的地方,如曼哈顿的: Liberty Island, American Museum of Natural History, Castle Clinton National Mounment, Federal Hall National Memorial, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,Museum of theCity of New York, The Museum of Modern of Modern Art and More..... more......m-ore.其它如Brooklyn 的New York Aquarium ( 纽约水族馆),更值得一家人齐齐去参观,地址是: West 8
th Street and Surf Avenue. Brooklyn. 即在康尼岛 (Coney Island).这里有露天海豚,海狮表演,又有鲸鱼和白鲸鱼等等众多海洋动物,时间关系,暂此搁笔。