原文由 BigPaul 发表于 2007-8-7 9:59:50 :
州立公园,Walden Pond Park, 离我家仅五英里,周未把舢板往车顶一搁,游水划船。。。
This reply is strickly between you and me now (I am half drunk, as I wrote, late into the night.).
Do you know how significant "Walden Pond" is in the American Legendary Poets? Have you heard of the giant Amerian poet Whitman (first name may be Paul?), and Thuroll (I can't remember his last name exact spelling, wine factor, oh well...)?
Have you seen my all time most favorite all-around American movie, "the Dead Poet Society", starring Robin Williams. All I said above, are essense of the movie. When I am desparate, I think about themes from the movie, it is that profound...
Enjoy the "Walden Pond", and instill a sense poetic pride to your kids, how beautiful and meaningfull it is, in one's journey in life.
In a lazy summer seeting, at "Walden Pond", reminescense of the 30+ years ago school experiences...the China experience...
"Seize all the moments, and suck the marrow of life..."
Take your stand, your individuality...Robin Williams' main argument as a school teacher in the movie, "the Dead Poet Sosciety".
BigPaul, I dare you tranlsate this into Chinese...but don't bother. My friend, seize the moent, summers at Walden Pond are not forever...
Take care...